Contatta Neos Digital Printer



EDGE BAND: A CASE STUDY - Lecture by NEOS at DIPA Academy

EDGE BAND: A CASE STUDY - Lecture by NEOS at DIPA Academy
As a member of the DIPA - Digital Printing Association, NEOS is proud to share its upcoming involvement in the DIPA Academy in Feldkirchen, Austria.
Specifically, the Digital Decor Printing Compass Course is a 3.5-day extensive course focused on digital decor printing covering roll-to-roll and flatbed printing with inkjet technology.
During these days important topics will be discussed, like color management, inks, quality assurance, relevant applications and the latest market data, industry trends and technology news.
During the afternoon session in Feldkirchen on November 9th, Neos will be holding a lecture focused on “????-????: ? ???? ?????”. Taking the stage will be Neos’s Commercial Director Frank de Jonge.

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