Contatta Neos Digital Printer



MAGENTA DAYS - 24th November 2023

MAGENTA DAYS - 24th November 2023

On November 24th, join us at Chespa Group's headquarters (Opolska 10A, Chorula) for an exclusive gathering in partnership with MAGENTA VISION Polska.

A team of NEOS' sales and service engineers is demonstrating the benefits of applying the modular design concept for single-pass inkjet printers. A focus will be on high-speed label printing and a variety of inkjet printing applications on paper and plastic-based packaging material. The NEOS Fighter FB and the Bombardier BB module will be shown in the exhibition area. A NEOS Company presentation and application demonstration are part of the symposium program.

Let's explore how we can tailor our solutions to meet your unique printing business requirements! Reach out to us at to arrange a meeting.

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