Contatta Neos Digital Printer



NEOS Vision System Technology

NEOS Vision System Technology

Our focus on developing innovative solutions and investing in research has led us to achieve an important milestone in the field of vision systems. We have internally developed a unique module called Vision System Technology, which can be installed on all NEOS printing machines.

What sets this system apart from others in the market is its exceptional combination of very high resolution and wide print width. This makes it an incredibly versatile tool for companies to use at every stage of the printing process, from setup to final printing.

Specifically, our hardware/software solution enables the identification of specific aspects of the printed image, which helps to eliminate common problems of inkjet printing such as loss of print register, lack of tone homogeneity and unexpected closure of the nozzles.

The Vision System Technology represents a cutting-edge innovation that could enhance the print quality of high-speed single-pass inkjet printing with reliable piezo print head technology.

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